
Literally: A flight over eight ships.

Also called Yasoutobi.

It is a jump upwards at the Tachiai to evade the charging opponent and catch him off-guard.

It is an Evasive Sumou move. In order to win the Shoubu a Rikishi doing Hassoutobi doesn't fight at all.

You cannot Prove Yourself this way. It is Bad Sumou. Doesn't have Value.

The originator of the term in Sumou was Yokodzuna Wakanohana I.

The name comes from a legend about Yoshitsune during the Genji-Heishi war (1185). According to legend Yoshitsune jumped from one enemy boat to another. It was said he could jump over eight boats.

Rikishi having used this Bad Sumou include Kyokudouzan, Asanowaka, Hayateumi.

It is Bad Sumou and if the opponent is attentive he will have no problem Winning.

On day 9 of Hatsu Basho 2005 Hayateumi fought Takamisakari. Hayateumi did Hassoutobi, Takamisakari reacted swiftly, caught him in mid-air and quickly won by Yorikiri.
