
Lit.: Shuffling feet

Suriashi is one of the Basic Sumou exercises.

<center><a href="imeiji/suriashi.mpg"><img border="0" src="imeiji/suriashi.jpg">
Suriashi demonstration movie</a></center>

Suriashi is intended to develop the skills necessary for moving around on the Dohyou during a Shoubu. Start at one end of the Dohyou, squat down as if for a Shiko, but both fists on the ground, as when starting a match.

Then move forward to the other side of the Dohyou. Keep your hips as low as when starting the move, trying not to move the hips up and down as you take individual strides, instead it should move forward in a straight line.

Slide the feet on the ground with their whole sole surface, not lifting them.

Take long strides, keeping your body stable and imagine the line being left in the sand by your two feet. These two lines should be perfectly straight, not go from left to right.

Long strides - you should traverse the complete Dohyou in exactly 4 steps.

Keep your elbows in and palms facing up with arms close inside. The object is to imagine pushing an opponent in front of you. That's why your arms and hands are where they are.

Do at least 10, but better yet, 20.
