Yokodzuna Futabayama was a dedicated follower of Sumoudou. He formulated this Japan Sumoudou Rikishi Charter.
1. 一、相撲は、日本の国技と称され、国史に伴い、時運を反映して来たものである。
Sumou, called the national art of Japan, being tied with national history came to reflect turns of fate throughout time.
2. 一、相撲は、日本国民の趣味と情熱、勇気と練磨を象徴する、力と技の精華である。
Sumou, symbolizing the hobby and passion of the Japanese nation, courage and practice, is the quintessence of strength and skill.
3. 一、相撲は、勝負を競うて勝負の上に出で、力と技より進んで道に入る。
Sumou is fighting in matches, being above the matches, to follow the Way transcending strength and technique.
4. 一、力士は、古来恩義に厚く、礼節を尚ぶ。特に、師恩・友益を尊重する。
Rikishi from times immemorial cordially respect debts of gratitude, and honor etiquette. Especially, they hold in high regard debts of gratitude to their master and service to friends.
5. 一、力士は、居常、健康に留意し、行持を慎み、鍛錬・陶冶を怠らず、各自、天分の大成を期すべし。
Rikishi always pay attention to their health, are prudent in practicing the Way, never neglect practice and drill, and all expect their talents to be crowned with greatness.
5th April 1967
Futabayama Doujou
<p><font size="1">Sumou, Baseball Magazine Sha, 2003 n. 5, No. 690
相撲、ベースボールマガジン社、2003-5, No. 690