
Defensive Sumou is always Bad Sumou. If you Defend you fail the Purpose of Sumou.

Even if you Win through Defense it is worthless and no ground for Praise. It's only grounds for Reflection.

Many times Rikishi will be pushed to Defensive Sumou in the course of the Battle as a last-ditch effort to avoid a Loss, i.e. Utchari for instance. Even in this case a Win through Defense is worthless, it signifies you have failed to do Semeruzumou.

Defensive Sumou is done by Amateurs, Athletes, and by Rikishi.

Amateurs and Athletes are inconsequential, their efforts don't matter, and their Ideas have no Significance. Therefore you shouldn't concern yourself with them. Ever.

When a Rikishi does Defensive Sumou, it is because of a weak Spirit.

Sumou is about Spirit. Thus Defense is a basis for Reflection when it occurs. It's a learning process.

Few Mortals can rise to Immortality. Thus it is almost impossible to to Good Sumou perfectly. However Defense can serve as a basis for your advancement towards Immortality. When it happens, you must Reflect on it and use it as grounds for Constant Improvement to Improve Yourself. That way one can rise to Immortality.

The key is Focus.

Even when you fail, if you are Focused you can analyze your Failure and Improve Yourself. The power of Focus is the key.
